milfart-you dominate in me

an unknown man in the middle of a street


like all girls, so too I, who became a man and feel like a girl, went out one afternoon to go have a coffee On the way the sight fell on me and approached me She gave me that disparaging look that every male has and it's like saying "you were one of us and you ended up wearing skirts and showing your thighs"   and that was the truth, I couldn't deny it I smiled sweetly at him as he looked me up and down disparagingly "Are you new here?" he asked me οοοηη "I moved into the neighborhood a while ago," I replied politely, "and I still haven't gotten the hang of it." He talked to me for a few minutes in the middle of the road before finally telling me "you know what i want and what you want let's not fool around" Yes, I knew very well what I wanted from such a man and I knew that when he finished fucking me, after spreading all his sperm on my naked body, after filling my ass with his juices, he would continue on his way. He would go to his girlfriend, his friends... maybe the last ones  and he would say that he blew my eyes out while I would continue to lie down and imagine what beautiful moments I spent with him
